Life is a journey... As we travel this journey, obstacles will arise... It is during these times that we grow and learn and can choose to become a better person...
Recently, I have been walking through a very difficult time in my own life and it has been a time of many "life lessons". It has been a time when I am thankful for those that are always here to love and encourage.... The old saying, "actions speak louder than words" has really been evident in the past several weeks in my life.... When life through up an obstacle.... I had advice coming in from all sides... Those that wanted to tell me what I should or shouldn't do... Those that thought they knew how to live my life better than I did... Those that made their own judgement based off of chit chat from others..... Those that chose to walk away when I needed them the most.... However, it has also been a blessing to my heart to learn as much as I have about those that I now hold so dear to my heart.... Those that dropped everything to encourage, to listen, to help, to support, to lend an ear or a shoulder..... Those that gave up their time to be there and to make sure I knew that I was loved... Those that took themselves out of their own comfort zone just to encourage and love.....
Life is always going to throw up obstacles... They will come in all shapes and sizes... And they will present themselves in all kinds of ways.... When these obstacles present themselves... we are then given the opportunity to walk upright and forge through....
Sometimes, the best support you can receive is just knowing that someone is there for you and trusting that... I can only hope and pray that when others are facing an obstacle in their life... I can be the kind of person to encourage and to love.. To never judge or hurt them with my own actions... To be there no matter the circumstances and make sure they know that they are not traveling this long journey of life alone!!